Seven step checklist – Twitter for business success

Twitter ranks as one of the most popular social networks – and its influence has expanded rapidly into the B2B sector with 85% of those marketers who use social media using Twitter as part of their strategy, so ignore this valuable channel at your peril. If you’ve never run a Twitter campaign though, just how would you go about it? Outlined below are seven simple steps to ensure that your Twitter campaign hits the mark.


  1. Review your marketing objectives

Review your marketing / PR objectives. All your channels of communication should deliver against your marketing objectives - make a list of your key objectives, which ones are the most important, which are the least important, which ones do you see your Twitter campaign delivering against. Marketing objectives could include; increase reach/customer base; develop leadership positioning or generate x sales.

  1. Create a list of Twitter objectives

Develop a list of Twitter objectives in-line with your marketing objectives. For example If your marketing objective is to increase your customer base, then the Twitter objectives should include: increase number of followers; deliver customer-centric content; drive traffic to your website; generate re-tweets. Another marketing objective might be to establish yourself as an industry leader, then the Twitter objectives should be to deliver high quality content for your Tweets; does the content reflect your positioning; is your content going to be high enough value that it will be re-Tweeted/ Favourited. If a Twitter objective does not reflect a key marketing objective then ask yourself why it’s on your list.

  1. Understand what success should looks like

Know what your vision of success should look like. Agree the measurement tools from the analytics available. Check that you are happy with your vision of success – x number of tweets per day, x number of click throughs over a one week period, x number of re-tweets over a one week period etc.

  1. Ensure that your campaign can deliver results

Look at what you have to work with, and review against step 3 above – with the resources/budget available are you able to deliver against the objectives set? Do you need to revisit the objectives/are they realistic? Do you need to clarify exactly what the resources are – content to Tweet; is there enough high quality content available for your Tweets (both original and ‘farmed’ from other sources); availability of spokespeople to reply to direct messages? Create a spreadsheet itemising your Tweets and their possible content, don’t set your expectations beyond what is realistically achievable And, if you are going to add in quirky fun things, make sure that this is in-line with your corporate image.

  1. Develop tactics to meet your Twitter objectives

Create tactics to deliver against the Twitter objectives. For example to establish yourself as an industry leader and valuable industry source tactics could include:

  1. Tweet relevant original industry stats and infographics
  2. Tweet links to your own white papers
  3. Tweet relevant, original industry news
  4. Tweet links to relevant and original blog posts

Re-tweet or tweet links to relevant points above that have just become available on the Internet

  1. Measure success

 Measure the success of your campaign - Buffer Dashboard, Twitter Analytics Dashboard, Klout, Twitalyzer and FollowerWonk– are just some of the different analytic packages available.

  1. Rinse and repeat

Refine your Twitter campaign, and be prepared to adapt the strategy as the campaign rolls out.

To find out how more about how Twitter could deliver results for you call: 0121 242 8048 or email:



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