
Six reasons your press release gets binned

As a UK PR agency, part of the work we do for clients is to send out press releases. Here is a great article from Peter Bartram on how to make it into print.

E-mailing out press releases to newspapers and magazines may sound like a great way to get “free” publicity.

The trouble is that thousands of other companies have had the same idea.

I recently asked 89 editors and other journalists what happens to the releases which swamp their e-mail inboxes. The answer was simple: the delete key goes into over-drive.

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Month in the life of a PR agency admin assistant

We asked Nadine, who looks after our admin, to write about what she's been up to this month. "This month has been a very busy one for our PR agency with the addition of several new clients.  But with it has brought the opportunity to learn new skills, including things I never thought possible without…
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Links and PR

Many people, including those in public relations agencies, do not realise the importance of using links and which types of links are the most valuable. With some research and discussion it should be possible to add client links into your PR campaigns.

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iPad and iPhone: can you really work with them on the go?

We  started work recently with a new client that specialises in accessories for everything mobile (that's phones, laptops, iPads, you name it) and thinking about the kind of people using our client's products got me thinking about the kit we use in our tech PR agency.

Being a technology PR agency, we love trying out new ways to use technology and I've been using my shiny new iPhone 4 for a while now together with an iPad to see if I can leave the laptop at home when travelling

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Client in finals of The Recruiter Awards

We're chuffed to bits that our entry for Xcede (a digital marketing recruitment consultancy) has been shortlisted in the Best Marketing Recruitment Consultancy category of The Recruiter Awards.

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PR webinars

Businesswire run a series of useful webinars on PR, including SEO for PR, press releases and the social web, how to optimise your press releases. These are great for PR agencies and in-house PR professionals. You don't have to be a client to watch the webinars.
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Valentines day news – our favourite stories

Here's a roundup of our favourite Valentines Day stories. We believe that they've been dreamt up by PR agencies or companies. Share your love with not just that special one but create a Valentine's Youtube slide show. Valentine's Day is the start of breeding season for birds and coincides with National Nest Box Week. Nokia's…
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Realwire’s campaign to reduce PR spam

Got this today from Realwire, sounds like it would be worth signing up to:

An Inconvenient PR Truth - a campaign to reduce PR spam

Near the end of last year we carried out surveys with recipients of press releases which focused on the extent to which the releases they receive from the PR Industry as a whole are relevant to them. The results were quite startling with 78 per cent of press releases received by the participants being irrelevant to them. In addition more than half of them had taken action to block a sender of releases due to irrelevance.

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