Category Archives: Social media for business

Topic archive: social media
For many businesses, social media brings clear benefit, but is it always useful in business?
Here we give you our views, opnions, experience and tips around making the best use of social media in a business context.
We also look at what social media for business actually covers, the common channels that most people will have heard of – Twitter, facebook, Linkedin, YouTube – as well as some of the more recent or less mainstream channels.

Mastering Twitter

Yesterday's Social media event was attended by around 120 people at Aston Science Park. However, only half of them were on Twitter. I got an e-newsletter today with a guide to mastering Twitter. See you there....I'm Shouting_girl.
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US bloggers disclosure tool –

US bloggers are going to need to disclose where they get their info from in the new year. DigComm. just launched - - which addresses the new blogger disclosure guidelines for endorsements and provides a simple and transparent format for disclosures. Text based disclosures will follow a simple code and structure to make…
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Social media event in Birmingham

Aston Science Park is holding a very useful sounding event on how social media is becoming a must for business success. It’s on 4 Feb and the organisers have let me know that delegates will be getting a neat SMS marketing tool on the day too. :)
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