Category Archives: B2B Public relations

Topic archive: B2B public relations
Business-to-business (B2B) public relations, our views, industry trends and tips for getting the best out of your B2B PR campaigns.

The PR Industry in Last Four Years: A Quick Recap

We celebrated our fourth birthday earlier in the month, so here's an very quick overview of what we think has been going on in the PR industry over the last four years.

The PR industry has evolved tremendously in the last four years; partly owing to the growing impact of the internet on our lives and partly due to the ever increasing competition within the PR industry and from other specialisms such as search marketers and social media agencies.

The sophistication of using the internet to communicate through mediums such as Twitter has shortened the communications chain – you can now communicate directly to a blogger or journalist instantly and be up to date on what they are up to in real time, no matter where you are based.

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PR and B2B advice resources

We get a lot of requests for Public Relations advice, so we put together our list of top useful PR related websites and links which give basic PR advice.  As we’re a UK PR agency, a lot of the sites are from the UK and are aimed at SMEs and start ups.  Click the name of the…
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Online PR

We offer online PR services at Vitis Public Relations and this article shares some basic tips for any companies looking to use online PR to generate more traffic to their sites.

Firstly, online PR is different from traditional PR which often targets print publications and broadcast media to reach buyers and also influencers, such as analysts. Online PR helps to reach the masses, both locally and globally, via the internet and is quite sophisticated with many options to generate awareness for SMEs of all sizes – and often at no cost.   These include: company mentions on online news sources, twitter company presence, targeting mainstream media with online presence, blogs, forums, podcasts, virtual worlds and social networks.  This list is not exhaustive but gives a few ideas of what can be done.

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How to make your case in the media

We've been really busy over the last week with new clients starting and dealing with existing clients, so we thought we'd share some more of Peter Bartram's common sense on how to make your case in the media: Question: what have the following got in common – lawyer Shami Chakrabarti, doctor Vivienne Nathanson, architect (Lord) Richard Rogers? Of course, they’re all eminent professionals in one discipline or another. But there’s more than that – they are all supremely expert at putting the views of the organisations they represent in the media.

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Integrated marketing communications

Our approach to integrated marketing communications provides customers with a way of managing their marketing communications programmes through a single point of contact. We work with you to develop the right strategy and plan, delivering on that plan through a broad range of agencies including: media buying agencies, designers, photographers, telemarketers and event management companies.
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Measurable results from public relations

Being able to show measurable results from your PR investment is important in demonstrating the value of your marketing programme.

At Vitis PR we track and monitor our performance on your campaigns, agreeing metrics and targets that are meaningful to you and tie in with your business goals.

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Video for PR

We've been working with a video company to produce some video content for news websites and get media and analysts' questions answered in video format.  It's great for the interviewer as their news story comes to life, and great for our clients as they get content they can spread virally which is more interesting than a standard update.

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Midlands PR agency – what types exist

We've been operating as a Midlands PR agency since 2006, so we're pretty new to the region. However, in that short time, we have tried to landscape the PR agency/PR consultancy sector here. Here are our basic intial thoughts and of course we recognise that all agencies are different, so we may not all fit…
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Online PR case study

We just finished a project where our client wanted to really get the benefit of using anchor links within any write ups of its story.

Now that is easier said than done. A lot of journalists and bloggers don't have the time or expertise to link beyond the homepage or a specific offer or download page of the company they are writing about. Some online publications will even have specific anchor texts that are paid for by other companies.

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Media Revolution – BBC 2 programme

Last night saw the first of a three-part series from the Money Programme that looks at the revolution in newspapers, TV and book publishing called Media Revolution, Stop the Press. Info from BBC site: "Former national newspaper editor Janet Street-Porter investigates how papers are coping with falling circulation, advertising revenues and the growth of the internet, and asks if newspapers can survive in their current form.

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